Monday, August 8

National Champion Baldcypress

This past weekend I went and saw the largest baldcypress tree in the United States. It is in Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Some speculate that this tree is in fact two trees, but no one has proven that theory just yet. It was pretty spectacular. (Sorry the photo is so fuzzy, I think the camera had a hard time focusing on anything but the tree.)

The sign at the NWR said this was the sixth largest tree in the U.S. But my botanist friend, Mark, disagreed. He thought that this tree could in no way compete with the sequoias out west. Either way, the tree was an incredible sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My this tree looks familiar! I think I have recently seen another wonderful photo of it ! : )